Melissa's Thesis Corrections
Melissa got her thesis corrections back today. One correction in total, and that was for a typo.
Congratulations Mel. That's a great effort!
Melissa's Jewellery exhibition
My wife Melissa is having her final Masters of fine art exhibition happening on the 1st of April (no its not a joke) at Monash uni in Melbourne. Click on the image for more info and a slideshow.
More bike lanes for Melbourne
I saw this on the AGE this morning. Its good to see that cycling as a form of transport is getting some more attention these days. Melbourne used to be consistently rated as one of the world's best cities to live in, based in no small part on the excellent transport options. Due to decades of under-investment we no longer can lay claim to that title. Maybe we can start going back in the right direction.
Present Time
When I started trying to loose weight, I said to myself that if I reached a weight milestone, then I would get myself a present, paid for by my tax return. It couldn't be a present that would undo all of my good work, so chocolates and wine were out, rather it had to be something that would excite me but also enable me to continue getting fitter and loose weight.
Cloud Computing in Development
Virtualisation is a pretty commonly known practice these days. IT operations staff use it as a method of consolidation and getting rid of old legacy hardware. Now we are being presented with virtualisation on demand facilities, usually referred to as Cloud Computing. This allows any user to create a virtual machine as a clone of a disk image at any time, use it for a while, and then throw it away.
Error Handling in Oracle's ESB
This is a re-post of an earlier article I wrote. Any links to the old version will now be busted... Sorry.
In our project, we follow a strict governance process for governing our services. We identify the services and their operations from our Business Process Model, then proceed to producing a WSDL and associated XSDs to represent that service. Only once this is done will we proceed to implementation. This is called top down design and is generally a good thing.
UDDI registries and Mocking
This is a re-post of an earlier article I wrote. Any links will now be busted... Sorry.
UDDI registries provide a number of features. Primarily they are billed as governance mechanisms for enterprises running SOA environments. They also provide endpoint indirection capabilities, which are useful from a governance perspective, but can also be used for testing. This is an extension of the dependency injection pattern, which is commonly used in object oriented programming, into the distributed world.
Weight Loss
I'm trying to loose weight, and I'm tracking it using google docs
Here's a graph of my current weight. Due to some google docs charts wierdness, I can't show the actual weight, so you'll have to read 0 as 80, 1 as 81, etc... Hopefully, this graph should change as I update the data. Thats what I'm checking out.
How am I achieving this? Work kindly provides a gym, and has hired personal trainers to come in each day during the lunch break.
I give in
I have run my own blog, on and off, for some time now. I was paying for hosting, and setting up my own wordpress install.
The first one got deleted due to user error (PEBKAC).
The second one got defaced by remarkably funny russians.
The third one had its database corrupted.
I don't care if google has my information any more. You win, its easier to do it this way... oh well.
Final Stop-Mo
Its the end of Movember and now all of us Mo-Bros can finally get rid of the itchy, food catching monstrosities! Here's the final Stop-Mo
Its been a good week for music this week. In adition to seeing Darren Hanlon, we also went to the first filming session for season 5 of RocKwiz. Melissa was the nominated rock-brain from our table, and competed for a position on the show. Unfortunately she wasn't fast enough for the other freaks. A boatload of beer and a load of fun was had by all. I heartily recommend it to any person that likes music.
Darren Hanlon
We went to see Darren Hanlon at the Ruby Lounge Belgrave on Wednesday.
It rocked
Out listening to the DJ DJ
Narelle's Boyfriend Dean is in town, and we went to see his DJ set at Luxe last night. Good work Deej, you had me dancing. He is playing again tonight (New Years) at 12am at the Bakery.
Seasons Greetings
Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks to Mrs Yabuka for the lovely cake, which was gleefully consumed at a dinner party at Spaz's on friday.
New Job
I doubt anyone cares about this, but I've left my position at Thales Australia, and am now working as a software engineer contractor. My first contract is with BankWest.
Wedding Video
This has been posted for the wrong date. Our wedding was months ago… I must have just received this
Nope, its gone.
Killer Dog
I was walking to get lunch today, past some nice houses in Nedlands. One property I passed had a dog in the front yard, presumably guarding the valuable property
Perhaps not. He looks vicious :)
The Mountain Goats.... Again!
Yes, that's right. They keep on coming back, and we keep on going to see them. Another good performance from the boys. John snapped a G string (ohhh vicar!) in the first song, and to the crowd's dismay, didn't have a replacement. Luckily the support band had an acoustic guitar, so the entire gig was played with a borrowed guitar. They played Jenny so I was a happy camper.
And now for something completely different.... well mostly the same
Just to break the monotony of wedding photos, I thought I would post some honeymoon photos instead!
Honeymoon Photos